
Escape โ€“ ALL OF THEM Math Bundle

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $60.00.

Escape Math is a pulse-pumping activity in the style of an escape-the-room experience. Students must piece together clues, compute as necessary, and unlock codes to receive the next envelope. Optional apps provide a blended experience to up the thrill.


Bring Escape the Room action into your classroom while building conceptual understanding! This escape focuses on inequalities. Like all of my content, the content is the focus, and the extra sparks engagement. Will your students solve all of the clues in time?

To further amplify the excitement, you can use the free the Escape Class HTML app (link included in PDF ) This will create interactive locks that your students must crack to move on. This application is also available on the web (link included). Additionally, there is a web-based Countdown Timer that you can use to ramp up the energy. (link included)

*Some guidance*
You will need to determine the number of student groups you plan to have. This will work best with student groups of 3-5. You will need to have one set of envelopes and set of all the clues for each student group. You will need 4 envelopes for each student group. Clues will need to be cut apart in advance and placed in the correct envelopes. It would be wise to have an extra copy of this for you as teacher (not cut up). This has the answer key built into it.

To begin, give each student group โ€œEnvelope 1โ€. Students are given some pieces of clues that they will need later. Like in an Escape Room, this isnโ€™t always obvious. Let them struggle! If a group is falling behind, you can always provide a hint. After they have figured out how their clue fits together and solve the problems correctly. They will discover a โ€œcodeโ€. This is like a lock. Once they give you the correct code (or unlock the app), you can give them their next envelope. Can students escape the topic before time runs out? Weโ€™ll find out.

In this bundle, you will receive these Escape activities:
Escape โ€“ Adding and Subtracting Fractions (Insect Theme)
Escape โ€“ Area and Perimeter Elementary (Basketball Theme)
Escape โ€“ Base-10 Place Value (India Theme)
Escape โ€“ Coordinate Plane (Military Theme)
Escape โ€“ Decimal Operations (Rodent Theme)
Escape โ€“ Exponent Rules (Dinosaur Theme)
Escape โ€“ Factoring (Wright Brothers Theme)
Escape โ€“ GCF and LCM (Primate Theme)
Escape โ€“ Graphing Linear Functions (Halloween Monsters Theme)
Escape โ€“ Inequalities (Football Theme)
Escape โ€“ Integer Operations (Hockey Theme)
Escape โ€“ Literal Equations (Renaissance Theme)
Escape โ€“ Logarithms (San Francisco Theme)
Escape โ€“ Measures of Center (Olympics Theme)
Escape โ€“ Multi-Step Equations (Gettysburg Address Theme)
Escape โ€“ One and Two-Step Equations (France Theme)
Escape โ€“ Order of Operations (Yellowstone Theme)
Escape โ€“ Percent (Ben Franklin Theme)
Escape โ€“ Percent, Fraction & Decimals (Marie Curie Theme)
Escape โ€“ Polynomial Operations (Brazil Theme)
Escape โ€“ Prime Factors (Rainforest Theme)
Escape โ€“ Probability (African Wildlife Theme)
Escape โ€“ Pythagorean Theorem (Ancient Greece Theme)
Escape โ€“ Radical Expressions (Rock and Roll Theme)
Escape โ€“ Ratio and Proportional Reasoning (Marine Life Theme)
Escape โ€“ Rational Functions (Brothers Grimm Theme)
Escape โ€“ Right Triangle Trigonometry (Italy Theme)
Escape โ€“ Scale Factor (United Kingdom Theme)
Escape โ€“ Scientific Notation (Space Theme)
Escape โ€“ Shape Classifications (Sherlock Holmes Theme)
Escape โ€“ Systems of Equations (American Revolution Theme)
Escape โ€“ Triangle Congruency (Ancient Egypt Theme)

This bundle will be DOWNLOADED AS A ZIP FILE.

*Note the contents of this bundle may overlap with other bundles
TERMS OF USE: This purchase is a license for one classroom teacher to use this content in their own class.

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