
STEMersion Jr – Free Sample Pack


STEMersion Jr assignments are tasks inspired by our popular STEMersion activities — but aimed at a young audience. In each STEMersion Jr, there are three tasks targetting a specific standard. Students must work through real-world problems, analyze their results, and make a decision.


STEMersion Jr assignments are tasks inspired by our popular STEMersion activities — but aimed at a young audience. In each STEMersion Jr, there are three tasks targetting a specific standard. Students must work through real-world problems, analyze their results, and make a decision.

Unlike our STEMersions, where the right answers are more ambiguous and require significant critical thinking skills to come to what’s the best decision, STEMersion Jrs will lead to one correct answer to simplify the experience. Also, unlike the STEMersions, there are three different real-world situations as opposed to one. These are scaffolded with two-option, three-option, and four-option experiences to help with differentiation or build up skills throughout the year.

This free sample pack will be DOWNLOADED AS A ZIP FILE. 

*Note the contents of this bundle may overlap with other bundles
TERMS OF USE: This purchase is a license for one classroom teacher to use this content in their own class. 

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