
STEMersion Jr โ€“ 2nd Grade Math Bundle

Original price was: $12.00.Current price is: $10.00.

STEMersion Jr assignments are tasks inspired by our popular STEMersion activities โ€” but aimed at a young audience. In each STEMersion Jr, there are three tasks targetting a specific standard. Students must work through real-world problems, analyze their results, and make a decision.


STEMersion Jr assignments are tasks inspired by our popular STEMersion activities โ€” but aimed at a young audience. In each STEMersion Jr, there are three tasks targetting a specific standard. Students must work through real-world problems, analyze their results, and make a decision.

Unlike our STEMersions, where the right answers are more ambiguous and require significant critical thinking skills to come to whatโ€™s the best decision, STEMersion Jrs will lead to one correct answer to simplify the experience. Also, unlike the STEMersions, there are three different real-world situations as opposed to one. These are scaffolded with two-option, three-option, and four-option experiences to help with differentiation or build up skills throughout the year.

In this bundle, you will receive these STEMersion JR activities:
STEMersion JR โ€“ Add and Subtract Within 100 โ€“ 2.OA.A.1
STEMersion JR โ€“ Add or Subtract 10 or 100 โ€“ 2.NBT.B.8
STEMersion JR โ€“ Bar Graphs โ€“ 2.MD.D.10
STEMersion JR โ€“ Comparing Three Digit Numbers โ€“ 2.NBT.A.4
STEMersion JR โ€“ Expanded and Word Form of Numbers โ€“ 2.NBT.A.3
STEMersion JR โ€“ Pictographs โ€“ 2.MD.D.10
STEMersion JR โ€“ Place Value โ€“ 2.NBT.A.1
STEMersion JR โ€“ Skip Counting โ€“ 2.NBT.A.2
STEMersion JR โ€“ Telling Time โ€“ 2.MD.C.7

This bundle will be DOWNLOADED AS A ZIP FILE.

*Note the contents of this bundle may overlap with other bundles
TERMS OF USE: This purchase is a license for one classroom teacher to use this content in their own class.

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