
Herowork – Free Sample Pack


Herowork activities are pairs of skill practice tasks with double the trouble. In the Riddlers, students must solve problems to assemble a mystery picture. In the Jokers, students must solve problems to earn letters to piece together a very, very epic, groan-inducing Dad Joke!

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Heroes are not made overnight, they are developed with practice. They need to do their Herowork! Upgrade your homework and classwork options with assignments that motivate your kiddos to battle all the way to the end of the page!

Herowork is designed to be engaging repeated skill practice with a twist. With two worksheet for each topic, you can use both or let students make a choice. The two different worksheets are Riddlers and Jokers.

To Solve the Riddlers, students must solve problems to assemble a mystery picture that is the answer to a riddle. This can be a cut/paste/color activity or a sketch.

To Crack the Jokers, students must solve problems to earn letters to piece together the answer to a very, very epic, groan-inducing Dad Joke!

Herowork tasks stay focused on a topic, but the problems do increase in difficulty or complexity as they go.

This free sample pack will be DOWNLOADED AS A ZIP FILE. 

*Note the contents of this bundle may overlap with other bundles
TERMS OF USE: This purchase is a license for one classroom teacher to use this content in their own class. 

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