
Drive Math – Algebra Bundle

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $30.00.

Drive Math is a collection of 21st-century teaching materials. Each Drive Math resource includes warm-ups, exit tickets, notes, slides, digital interactive notebooks, and assessments, all hosted in an editable format in the cloud or usable as PDFs. Equipped with top-of-the-line instructional materials, teachers can Drive learning for their students.

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Drive Instruction with instructional resources that live in the cloud on Google Drive! All of the docs are COMPLETELY EDITABLE and can be differentiated to meet your needs or the needs of your students. PDFs are also included in the download if you prefer them that way.

Each Drive Instruction set includes warm-ups, exit tickets, notes, presentations, digital interactive notebooks and tests. These are designed to be complementary to all of my innovative supplemental resources and an improvement on any instructional material available to teachers.

Pump(Warm-Ups) – 5 warm-up activities. Design to get class started and get blood pumping to the brain. Each seven question warm-up includes a critical thinking, application question.

Flex(Exit Tickets) – 5 exit ticket questions. Design to allow students to flex there new found knowledge muscles. Each question focuses on conceptual understanding or critical thinking for the topic at hand.

Hustle(Notes/Presentation/Digital Interactive Notebook) – A set of class notes for the topic that lives in three different forms. Design to get students to hustle their way to new learning – it doesn’t happen any other way! This is included as traditional notes or as a digital interactive notebook. The content matches for all versions so they can be interchanged. Use the notes to go along with the presentation or allow students some self discovery and allow them to create the digital interactive notebook alongside the presentation. The Interactive Notebook and Class Presentation do not have editable formulas because Google Slides does not have an equation function.

Test(Assessment) – One 21st Century Math assessment that includes questions to test vocabulary, skill practice and authentic real world application.

***In the future, all additional instructional material creations will be included in this product. This may include (but not limited to) additional warm-ups, multiple versions of tests, short-cycle assessments, and a copy other surprises we’d prefer to keep confidential at this point.

In this bundle, you will receive these Drive Math resources:
Drive Absolute Value
Drive Direct & Inverse Variation
Drive Equations
Drive Exponential Functions and Logarithms
Drive Factoring
Drive Function Operations
Drive Inequalities
Drive Linear Functions
Drive Monomials & Polynomials
Drive Properties of Real Numbers
Drive Quadratic Functions
Drive Relations & Functions
Drive Systems of Equations
Drive Variables & Expressions

This bundle will be DOWNLOADED AS A ZIP FILE.

*Note the contents of this bundle may overlap with other bundles
TERMS OF USE: This purchase is a license for one classroom teacher to use this content in their own class.

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