Clark Creative Education is an educational company that brings vibrant ideas to life to maximize critical thinking and problem solving, strengthen perspective taking, and in some cases, create family fun. Through using relevant and appealing concepts, Clark Creative Educational aims to best achieve engagement and meaningful learning experience. Clark Creative’s most popular concepts like Whodunnits, Escapes, CSIs, TableTops, and Adventures have extended into Math, Social Studies, Science, and Language Arts classroom around the world.
Who do we think we are?!?
Clint Clark is a creator of things he finds interesting, useful, fun, or important. He is the founder and CEO of Clark Creative Education, and a top-milestone teacher-author on TeachersPayTeachers. Clint was a teacher and administrator and loved every minute of it. All of Clint’s work was in high poverty, high need schools and he’s dove into work at every level of K-12.

Clint found success using innovative ideas in his own classroom — and he can’t seem to stop innovating. He has a lot of ideas to share that throw conventional wisdom out the window. Clint adores his wife MacKenzie and his six children: Logan, Leah, Cara, Callie, Emmy, and Elora. In many ways these kiddos and his thousands of former students are the inspiration behind all of these creations.

Shawnie Allen is a curriculum development specialist that spearheaded the creation of our Google content that helped many survive during the epic 2020 COVID Pandemic. A jill-of-all-trades, Shawnie oversees our social media content. When she’s not doing that, she’s optimizing all sorts of things.
Emmanuel Sylvester is the artistic vision behind Clark Creative. Emmanuel’s unique love for creating beautiful vector art has elevated the look of thousands of pages of educational resources — in the most mathematical way possible. From animals to historical figures to superheroes, he has a knack for capturing the essence of his subjects in an appeal way for students. He does so from his home in Trinidad and Tobago (the fantasy site of all Clark Creative corporate pow-wows — we wish!)

Joe McComb builds things with random strings of letters and numbers. An engineer of the 21st century, Joe has written each line of code that does things most will not understand. We are thankful for people like Joe and are hopeful that our children will better understand what he does. Building new features and handling any technical snafus is his game. He may grumble about district firewalls — Wait! Who are we kidding? Joe never grumbles.
Krystal Boots is Clark Creative Education’s reading level specialist and editor extraordinaire. After spending months fixing all of Clint’s old grammatical mistakes (“Oh, that’s what a semicolon is for!”), Clark Creative knew she filled a pressing need. Krystal is not only integral to getting content to publication worthy status, but also at leveling texts so they are accessible to all levels of learners — a foundational principal of Clark Creative Education’s reading content.

Steve Allen brings his 35 years of experience as a teacher, principal, and superintendent to Clark Creative. As more school districts have pursued full licenses, Clark Creative needed a steady hand to cultivate these relationships , and nurture new ones. A fervent believer in the Clark Creative vision, Steve shares what we offer, our reasonable rates, and sits back and watches districts sell themselves on it. And – POOF – teachers get unlimited access at no cost to them. A win-win-win.