
CSI – Algebra Bundle

Original price was: $30.00.Current price is: $25.00.

CSI activities are captivating review assignments where investigators encounter six crime scenes, uncover clues, and apprehend a criminal. While students solve each crime scene, they answer challenging math questions around a given topic. 9 PDF and 9 Google resources are included.

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Nothing like a good criminal investigation to liven up math class! In this project, students will work in teams to investigate the culprit of six fictional thefts. The criminal has left six messages layered with algebra. Teams will work to build a case and present their findings to the court. Hopefully, they are convincing enough to win the verdict.
We like to use these puzzles as review before the unit test. The puzzle-solving hook causes many different students to engage in solving traditionally mundane problems. Be the cool teacher 🙂
In this bundle, you will receive ALL NINE algebra CSIs. 
Unit 1: Variables & Expressions: Order of Operations, Translating Verbal and Algebraic Expressions, Open Sentences, Distributing, Combining Like Terms
Unit 2: Real Numbers: Square root approximation, Decimal-fraction-percent conversion, Scientific Notation, The Real Number System, Perfect Squares
Unit 3: Solving Equations: Translating Verbal & Algebraic Equations, Solving different equation types, Using Formulas
Unit 4: Relations & Functions: Coordinate Planes, Domain & Range, Inverses, Patterns & Arithmetic Sequences
Unit 5: Lines: Slope & Rates of Change, Calculating, graphing and interpreting lines, Parallel and Perpendicular lines
Unit 6: Absolute Value & Inequalities: Solving & Graphing Inequalities, Compound Inequalities, Solving Absolute Value Equations
Unit 7: Systems of Equations: Solving Systems with Elimination, Substitution and Graphing, Graphing Systems of Inequalities
Unit 8: Polynomials: Operations on Monomials, Operations with Polynomials, Scientific Notation
Unit 9: Factoring & Quadratics: Factoring (GCF, Distributive Property, trinomials), Quadratic Formula, Graphing and interpreting parabolic graphs
If you are teaching Algebra 1 and are looking for fun review activities and enrichment problems, we have you covered. Student Satisfaction Guaranteed or we’ll give you your money back. Be the cool teacher 🙂
This bundle will be DOWNLOADED AS A ZIP FILE. 
(All new CSI algebra content will be added to this bundle)
9 PDF and 9 Google resources are included for the following topics:
CSI – Algebra – Factoring & Quadratics (USA Theme)

CSI – Algebra – Inequalities & Absolute Value (Scandinavia Theme)

CSI – Algebra – Lines (China Theme)

CSI – Algebra – Monomials & Polynomials (Japan Theme)

CSI – Algebra – Relations, Patterns & Functions (Western Europe Theme)

CSI – Algebra – Solving Equations (Middle East Theme)

CSI – Algebra – Systems (Africa Theme)

CSI – Algebra – The Real Number System (Latin America Theme)

CSI – Algebra – Variables & Expressions (Australia Theme)

*Note the contents of this bundle may overlap with other bundles
TERMS OF USE: This purchase is a license for one classroom teacher to use this content in their own class. 

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